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Witam z Rosji)

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Alex_Z
Colleagues, Witam! =)!

I come from the Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Immediately I'm sorry because I do not know the Polish language, I tried to use the translator from Russian, but they got some kind of bullshit. This will be in English. If there are Russian-speaking, too, will be happy =)

Learn about the planned event you have in 12-14 June and I'm interested in his possible visit, unless of course you approve =) by all the rules, decided to register on the Forum at first and chat live =)

About myself:
Own a Kawasaki Vulcan from 2012. Originally I bought VN400A 1997. In summer 2014, a year after it almost 35 thousand kilometers for 2 of the season, was fortunate to buy engine VN800 and install it in the frame. Now I became bigger and older)

Working as a photographer, I was born and live in St. Petersburg. Love good company, travel on a motorcycle, have a tent with bunk, have a Vulcan, have a beloved girl, and have the desire to ride and drive )

Czy akceptujesz mnie w swoje szeregi? =)

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: fitter
Witaj Alex :ok:
Śmiało pisz po rosyjsku lub angielsku - damy sobie radę.
I oczekujemy Cię na zlocie :yeee:

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: kacmar
Witaj :ok:

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Przemo
Siemka :)

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Kater
Cześć :ok:

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Alex_Z
tried a reverse translation from Polish into Russian to ... did not understand myself =))))
My be in English? =)))
Very interested in your event 12-14 June. I may be able to visit it, if you don't mind.
Previously I had a few days in Poland, ridden in 2013 and 2014. Really liked it. You have good people, good roads and beautiful scenery!) Think again in this year to go in Europe, and your event would be a good start off the trip.

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Alex_Z
Wanted to know the event open, or only for the members and friends of the Club?

Let me explain, we have Vulcans ru, am the VMCC Friend and visit all the activities. So here we have, most of the activities take place behind closed doors. That is the only participating Club members, friends, and all Forum users. A person unrelated to the Forum we are welcome, but are extremely carefully. For simply, something like family events =)

PS. I have uploaded an avatar to my profile, but it somehow does not display = (
And it may be better to translate first post in English? ))) but it seems to me that some of the proposals there even offensive =))))

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Andrew
Witaj Alex. ;)

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: MUKA
Siema !

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Andy
Witaj, :ok:

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Duch

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Tokar

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: MaciekSz

Event is open to all owners and enthusiasts of Vulcan bikes from all over the world. So we'll be proud to host You and Your friends during Vulcaneria. IF You'd like to make a resevations of rooms / bungalows, please contact Lacik ASAP.

I'll check also, whats wrong with Your avatar.

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Konrad
Witaj :D :D :D

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: ciecio
Hi Alex :yeee:

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Tezis
:ok: :yeee:

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Alex_Z
Accidentally found two photos from the trip of the year 2013) as my then-400 cubes got alot of burning) these photos have been shooted in Poland )
Drink some beer at night, in Rico Klub near Bialystok =)

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Alex_Z
MaciekSz pisze:Alex,

Event is open to all owners and enthusiasts of Vulcan bikes from all over the world..
Thank you very much for your reply!
I have several friends, who had planned to go to Europe in this season, discuss with them.

And with an avatar something strange, he is shown in profile, and there is no = ( Don't know why

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: Lacik
Hello and welcome.
Like MaciekSz said about reservation and Vulcaneria 2015... if you want be on vulcaneria, write to me PM, i will give you solution and information about event.

: śr mar 18, 2015
autor: NIXON